Excellent tips, especially in regards to the news. I find myself getting sucked in at times, then I immediately want to process it with someone else. Recognizing that no one likes to get bad news bombed, I cut back on my exposure and have learned to sit quietly with horrible bulletins and let them pass. It's hard, though, the last 8 years have been so mentally damaging.

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It has been so brutal, and I completely understand that its tempting to turn it on and that it is complicated. But there is SO MUCH BAD NEWS ALL THE TIME, and I don't think human beings were meant to take it all in this much. We can only handle it to a degree. I really think it has fucked up everyone's brain and has caused more damage than we even know.

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Aug 3Liked by Kari Bentley-Quinn

Thank you for all of this. And the reminders toward just doing one small thing that helps bolster my nervous system were really on point. I can be so defeated (and oppositional, even to shit I plan for myself, yo!) and it’s just so damn hard. So thank you.

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Ugh its so hard. Every night when I am whining bc I need to take out my yoga mat, I remind myself that I would have lost my entire mind a long time ago if I hadn't learned how to downregulate my nervous system. The anxiety will be there in the morning!!

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Aug 3Liked by Kari Bentley-Quinn

I've been lucky enough to have structured times for napping. I tend to get everything done early enough before work that I nap for about 20 minutes before I leave. Then I do the same when I get home. It helps me transition in and out of "work mind" and I have more energy to be home when I'm home, whatever that entails. Usually I reserve this for winter, but now it's August (I guess?!) and I'm still doing it.

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oh that's nice! I love a nap. When I work from home sometimes I take a quick nap on my lunch break (like 15-20 mins usually does me right).

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When covid started I stopped watching news. But over time started again. Then all the different wars happen and I got tired of it all. Now I never read or watch any news. Got baned from Twitter too so not seeing any negative on social media either. Much happier life for sure! 👍🏼

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