You slayed the Attack Closet! And much else besides, it sounds like, and you've managed to write about it with a lot of charm and actual kindness toward yourself, which a lot of people either don't or can't. Seriously, it's so rare to see. Refreshing, too.

This is a subject dear to my heart. One of the things I do in this life is help people get unstuck with their households (a process nearly always connected to Other Issues (TM) ) -- https://rntq.substack.com/p/reasons-not-to-quit-coaching if you're curious -- and starting in late December I'm going to be serializing a new book on the subject. Either of which may be of interest or not, since it sounds like you've definitely figured out a workable way forward for your household. If it is, though, let me know!

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oooh thank you! I think I have somewhat of a handle on it, but definitely glad the link is there and I can refer folks your way, and would be interested in the book for sure. Since getting my diagnosis and getting treated, I'm definitely re-learning how to do life

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A diagnosis can be such a revolution. My husband didn’t find out about his ADHD until he was in his 50s and wow.

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Oh man, yeah. Late diagnosis is a real mindfuck. I was 41 and was like....oh okay so I've been on the entirely wrong meds my entire life and I'm not actually insane. Cool.

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Sep 8Liked by Kari Bentley-Quinn

I don't have a diagnosis except what my grown kids tell me ;) but you really hit my memories on cleaning. Once upon a time, I was airbnb-ing the rooms of the two older kids who'd moved out, and I had to hire a cleaner because it was business related. And then I stopped renting the rooms and couldn't "justify" it anymore. That lasted longer than it should have. I feel the same guilt but I work full time, write before work, want to spend time with my friends, kids and grandkids, and there's no one to share the load with in my house. And I clean up for my cleaners. That day every other week is the best day, and the only thing I regret is that I can't afford to have them every week. Maybe soon though!

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Your time is valuable! I have realized that I am penny wise and pound foolish sometimes, and anything that saves me time pays itself back in other ways. This is why I refuse to feel bad about taking cabs when I travel. Sure, the train is cheaper, but the extra time it takes costs more to me. I just cut back elsewhere.

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Sep 13Liked by Kari Bentley-Quinn

Especially with the suitcases from the airport or the train station!

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Sep 6Liked by Kari Bentley-Quinn

THE most relatable Substack I’ve read in weeks. Absolutely nailed it! We all need a Rosie.

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Thank God for the Rosies of the world. It's so much better to outsource it if you can, especially if you hate it. No matter what I do I cannot fold sheets or towels so that they look presentable, so I try to do more dishes or something else that comes easier. We all have our strengths (too bad our closets do not appreciate a well timed metaphor)

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god yes. I CAN fold a sheet correctly, I just don't CARE enough to actually take the time to do it.

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When Martha Stewart comes over and awards prizes, I’ll work on it. Until then, I’m with you on Team IDGAF.

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I'm blessed as a nervous cleaner. All we need to do to get the downstairs clean is to talk family budget or boundaries. I'd crawl out of my own skin if I had to sit on the couch for that 😆

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You are just like my bestie. Total nervous cleaner (also ADHD).

I will clean if I am avoiding something though. Never cleaned as much in my whole life as I did when I was in grad school. The amount of hyperfocus panic papers I wrote...

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